Home > manopt > autodiff > functions_AD > cdiag.m



Extracts the diagonal elements of A.


function diagX = cdiag(X)


 Extracts the diagonal elements of A.

 function diagX = cdiag(X)

 Returns the diagonal elements of A. The input A does not necessarily
 to be a square matrix. The function supports both numeric arrays and 
 structs with fields real and imag. Note that diag currently does
 not support dlarrays and cdiag can be seen as a backup function.

 See also: manoptADhelp


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function diagX = cdiag(X)
0002 % Extracts the diagonal elements of A.
0003 %
0004 % function diagX = cdiag(X)
0005 %
0006 % Returns the diagonal elements of A. The input A does not necessarily
0007 % to be a square matrix. The function supports both numeric arrays and
0008 % structs with fields real and imag. Note that diag currently does
0009 % not support dlarrays and cdiag can be seen as a backup function.
0010 %
0011 % See also: manoptADhelp
0013 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0014 % Original author: Xiaowen Jiang, Aug. 31, 2021.
0015 % Contributors: Nicolas Boumal
0016 % Change log:
0018     if iscstruct(X)
0019         assert(length(size(X.real)) == 2, 'Input should be a 2-D array')
0020         m = size(X.real,1);
0021         n = size(X.real,2);
0022         realX = X.real;
0023         imagX = X.imag;
0024         if n >= m
0025             diagX.real = realX(1:m+1:m^2);
0026             diagX.imag = imagx(1:m+1:m^2);
0027         else
0028             diagX.real = realX(1:m+1:m*n-m+n);
0029             diagX.imag = imagX(1:m+1:m*n-m+n);
0030         end
0032     elseif isnumeric(X)
0033         assert(length(size(X)) == 2, 'Input should be a 2-D array')
0034         m = size(X,1);
0035         n = size(X,2);
0036         if n >= m
0037             diagX = X(1:m+1:m^2);
0038         else
0039             diagX = X(1:m+1:m*n-m+n);
0040         end
0042     else
0043         ME = MException('cdiag:inputError', ...
0044                         'Input does not have the expected format.');
0045         throw(ME);
0046     end    
0048 end

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