< Master index Index for manopt\autodiff >

Index for manopt\autodiff

Matlab files in this directory:

 autogradApply automatic differentiation to computing the Euclidean gradient
 costgradcomputeComputes the cost and the gradient at x via AD in one call
 costgradcomputefixedrankembeddedComputes the Riemannian gradient and the cost at x via AD in one call for
 dl2matConvert the data type of x from dlarray into double
 dl2mat_complexConvert dlx which stores complex numbers in a structure into double
 egradcomputeComputes the Euclidean gradient of the cost function at x via AD.
 ehesscomputeComputes the Euclidean Hessian of the cost function at x along xdot via AD.
 findA_anchorsFind the indices of the anchors for the anchoredrotationsfactory
 gradcomputefixedrankembeddedComputes the Riemannian gradient of the cost function at x via AD for
 innerprodgeneralCompute the Euclidean inner product between x and y
 isNaNgeneralDetermine if x contains a NaN value
 manoptADPreprocess automatic differentiation for a manopt problem structure
 manoptADhelpAutomatic differentation (AD) in Manopt requires the following:
 mat2dlConvert the data type of x from numeric into dlarray
 mat2dl_complexConvert x into a particular data structure to store complex numbers

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