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Automatic differentation (AD) in Manopt requires the following:


function manoptADhelp()


 Automatic differentation (AD) in Manopt requires the following:
   Matlab version R2021a or later.
   Deep Learning Toolbox version 14.2 or later.

 First, read the documentation of manoptAD by typing:

   help manoptAD

 Examples using AD can be found in the folder:


 More sophisticated examples can also be found in


 by reading the comments inside the scripts.

 The comments here provide further information about how to use AD. These
 comments are necessary because of certain limitations both of the AD
 capabilities of the Deep Learning Toolbox and of Manopt's ability to
 handle certain delicate geometries, e.g., fixed-rank matrices, with AD.

 The basic usage of AD in Manopt goes as follows:

   problem.M = ...; %call a factory to get a manifold structure
   problem.cost = @(x) ...; % implement your cost function
   problem = manoptAD(problem); % ask AD to figure out gradient + Hessian
   ...; % call a solver on problem, e.g., x = trustregions(problem);

 The current implementation of AD is based on Matlab's Deep Learning
 Toolbox. The latter relies on dlarray to represent data (arrays).
 While this works very well, unfortunately, there are a few limitations.
 For example, certain functions do not support dlarray.
 See the following official website for a list of compatbile functions: 


 Moreover, dlarray only supports complex variables starting with
 Matlab R2021b.

 To handle complex numbers in R2021a and earlier, and also to handle
 functions that are not supported by dlarray at this moment, Manopt
 provides a limited collection of backup functions which are compatible
 with AD. Explicitly, the left column below lists commonly used functions
 which are not supported by dlarray at this time, and the right column
 lists corresponding replacement functions that can be used:

     trace                 ctrace
     diag                  cdiag
     triu                  ctriu
     tril                  ctril
     norm(..., 'fro')      cnormfro
     norm(..., 'fro')^2    cnormsqfro
     multiscale            cmultiscale

 All the other multi*** functions in Manopt support AD.

 Moreover, bsxfun is not supported. The user may have to translate it
 into repmat and point-wise expressions.
 Concatenating arrays along the third or higher dimension such as in
 cat(A, B, 3+) is not supported for AD.
 The matrix functions sqrtm, logm, expm, eig, svd, det, cumsum,  movsum,
 cumprod, \, inv, mod, rem, vecnorm, bandwidth are not supported.

 For Matlab R2021a or earlier, in addition to the functions mentioned  
 above, dot is not supported.
 Element-wise multiplication can be replaced by cdottimes.

 To deal with complex variables in R2021a and earlier, Manopt converts
 complex arrays into a structure with fields real and imag.
 See mat2dl_complex and dl2mat_complex for more details. In this case,
 the user should try using the basic functions in the folder 


 when defining the cost function. An alternative way is to define one's
 own basic functions. These functions should accept both numeric arrays
 and structures with fields real and imag.
 See cprod and complex_example_AD as examples.

 See also: manoptAD complex_example_AD


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function manoptADhelp()
0002 % Automatic differentation (AD) in Manopt requires the following:
0003 %   Matlab version R2021a or later.
0004 %   Deep Learning Toolbox version 14.2 or later.
0005 %
0006 % First, read the documentation of manoptAD by typing:
0007 %
0008 %   help manoptAD
0009 %
0010 % Examples using AD can be found in the folder:
0011 %
0012 %   /manopt/autodiff/basic_examples_AD
0013 %
0014 % More sophisticated examples can also be found in
0015 %
0016 %   /examples
0017 %
0018 % by reading the comments inside the scripts.
0019 %
0020 % The comments here provide further information about how to use AD. These
0021 % comments are necessary because of certain limitations both of the AD
0022 % capabilities of the Deep Learning Toolbox and of Manopt's ability to
0023 % handle certain delicate geometries, e.g., fixed-rank matrices, with AD.
0024 %
0025 % The basic usage of AD in Manopt goes as follows:
0026 %
0027 %   problem.M = ...; %call a factory to get a manifold structure
0028 %   problem.cost = @(x) ...; % implement your cost function
0029 %   problem = manoptAD(problem); % ask AD to figure out gradient + Hessian
0030 %   ...; % call a solver on problem, e.g., x = trustregions(problem);
0031 %
0032 % The current implementation of AD is based on Matlab's Deep Learning
0033 % Toolbox. The latter relies on dlarray to represent data (arrays).
0034 % While this works very well, unfortunately, there are a few limitations.
0035 % For example, certain functions do not support dlarray.
0036 % See the following official website for a list of compatbile functions:
0037 %
0038 %   https://ch.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ug/list-of-functions-with-dlarray-support.html.
0039 %
0040 % Moreover, dlarray only supports complex variables starting with
0041 % Matlab R2021b.
0042 %
0043 % To handle complex numbers in R2021a and earlier, and also to handle
0044 % functions that are not supported by dlarray at this moment, Manopt
0045 % provides a limited collection of backup functions which are compatible
0046 % with AD. Explicitly, the left column below lists commonly used functions
0047 % which are not supported by dlarray at this time, and the right column
0048 % lists corresponding replacement functions that can be used:
0049 %
0050 %     trace                 ctrace
0051 %     diag                  cdiag
0052 %     triu                  ctriu
0053 %     tril                  ctril
0054 %     norm(..., 'fro')      cnormfro
0055 %     norm(..., 'fro')^2    cnormsqfro
0056 %     multiscale            cmultiscale
0057 %
0058 % All the other multi*** functions in Manopt support AD.
0059 %
0060 % Moreover, bsxfun is not supported. The user may have to translate it
0061 % into repmat and point-wise expressions.
0062 % Concatenating arrays along the third or higher dimension such as in
0063 % cat(A, B, 3+) is not supported for AD.
0064 % The matrix functions sqrtm, logm, expm, eig, svd, det, cumsum,  movsum,
0065 % cumprod, \, inv, mod, rem, vecnorm, bandwidth are not supported.
0066 %
0067 % For Matlab R2021a or earlier, in addition to the functions mentioned
0068 % above, dot is not supported.
0069 % Element-wise multiplication can be replaced by cdottimes.
0070 %
0071 % To deal with complex variables in R2021a and earlier, Manopt converts
0072 % complex arrays into a structure with fields real and imag.
0073 % See mat2dl_complex and dl2mat_complex for more details. In this case,
0074 % the user should try using the basic functions in the folder
0075 %
0076 %   /manopt/autodiff/functions_AD
0077 %
0078 % when defining the cost function. An alternative way is to define one's
0079 % own basic functions. These functions should accept both numeric arrays
0080 % and structures with fields real and imag.
0081 % See cprod and complex_example_AD as examples.
0082 %
0083 % See also: manoptAD complex_example_AD
0085 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0086 % Original author: Xiaowen Jiang, Aug. 31, 2021.
0087 % Contributors: Nicolas Boumal
0088 % Change log:
0090     fprintf('The file manoptADhelp is just for documentation: run ''help manoptADhelp''.\n');
0092 end

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