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Hessian approx. fnctn handle based on finite differences of the gradient.


function hessfun = approxhessianFD(problem, options)


 Hessian approx. fnctn handle based on finite differences of the gradient.

 function hessfun = approxhessianFD(problem)
 function hessfun = approxhessianFD(problem, options)


 A Manopt problem structure (already containing the manifold and enough
 information to compute the cost gradient) and an options structure
 (optional), containing one option:
    options.stepsize (positive double; default: 2^-14).

 If the gradient cannot be computed or approximated on 'problem',
 a warning is issued.

 Returns a function handle, encapsulating a generic finite difference
 approximation of the Hessian of the problem cost. The finite difference
 is based on computations of the gradient.
 The returned hessfun has this calling pattern:
   function hessfd = hessfun(x, xdot)
   function hessfd = hessfun(x, xdot, storedb)
   function hessfd = hessfun(x, xdot, storedb, key)
 x is a point on the manifold problem.M, xdot is a tangent vector to that
 manifold at x, storedb is a StoreDB object, and key is the StoreDB key to
 point x.


 Typically, the user will set problem.M and other fields to define the
 cost and the gradient (typically, problem.cost and problem.grad or
 problem.egrad). Then, to use this generic purpose Hessian approximation:

   problem.approxhess = approxhessianFD(problem, options);

 See also: trustregions


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function hessfun = approxhessianFD(problem, options)
0002 % Hessian approx. fnctn handle based on finite differences of the gradient.
0003 %
0004 % function hessfun = approxhessianFD(problem)
0005 % function hessfun = approxhessianFD(problem, options)
0006 %
0007 % Input:
0008 %
0009 % A Manopt problem structure (already containing the manifold and enough
0010 % information to compute the cost gradient) and an options structure
0011 % (optional), containing one option:
0012 %    options.stepsize (positive double; default: 2^-14).
0013 %
0014 % If the gradient cannot be computed or approximated on 'problem',
0015 % a warning is issued.
0016 %
0017 % Output:
0018 %
0019 % Returns a function handle, encapsulating a generic finite difference
0020 % approximation of the Hessian of the problem cost. The finite difference
0021 % is based on computations of the gradient.
0022 %
0023 % The returned hessfun has this calling pattern:
0024 %
0025 %   function hessfd = hessfun(x, xdot)
0026 %   function hessfd = hessfun(x, xdot, storedb)
0027 %   function hessfd = hessfun(x, xdot, storedb, key)
0028 %
0029 % x is a point on the manifold problem.M, xdot is a tangent vector to that
0030 % manifold at x, storedb is a StoreDB object, and key is the StoreDB key to
0031 % point x.
0032 %
0033 % Usage:
0034 %
0035 % Typically, the user will set problem.M and other fields to define the
0036 % cost and the gradient (typically, problem.cost and problem.grad or
0037 % problem.egrad). Then, to use this generic purpose Hessian approximation:
0038 %
0039 %   problem.approxhess = approxhessianFD(problem, options);
0040 %
0041 % See also: trustregions
0043 % The Riemannian Trust-Region method, used in combination with the present
0044 % Hessian approximation, is called RTR-FD. Some convergence theory for it
0045 % is available in this paper:
0046 %
0047 % @incollection{boumal2015rtrfd
0048 %   author={Boumal, N.},
0049 %   title={Riemannian trust regions with finite-difference Hessian approximations are globally convergent},
0050 %   year={2015},
0051 %   booktitle={Geometric Science of Information}
0052 % }
0054 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0055 % Original author: Nicolas Boumal, April 8, 2015.
0056 % Contributors:
0057 % Change log:
0058 %
0059 %   Feb. 19, 2015 (NB):
0060 %       It is sufficient to ensure positive radial linearity to guarantee
0061 %       (together with other assumptions) that this approximation of the
0062 %       Hessian will confer global convergence to the trust-regions method.
0063 %       Formerly, in-code comments referred to the necessity of having
0064 %       complete radial linearity, and that this was harder to achieve.
0065 %       This appears not to be necessary after all, which simplifies the
0066 %       code.
0067 %
0068 %   April 3, 2015 (NB):
0069 %       Works with the new StoreDB class system.
0070 %
0071 %   April 8, 2015 (NB):
0072 %       Changed to approxhessianFD, which now returns a function handle
0073 %       that encapsulates the getHessianFD functionality. Will be better
0074 %       aligned with the other Hessian approximations to come (which may
0075 %       want to use storedb.internal), and now allows specifying the step
0076 %       size.
0077 %
0078 %   March 17, 2020 (NB):
0079 %       Following a bug report by Marco Sutti, added the instruction
0080 %           storedb.remove(key1);
0081 %       to avoid memory usage ramping up when many inner iterations are
0082 %       needed inside of tCG for trustregions. The deciding factor is that
0083 %       there is no need to cache the gradient at the artificially produced
0084 %       point used here for finite differencing, as this point is not
0085 %       visible outside of this function: there is no reason we would visit
0086 %       it again.
0088     % This Hessian approximation is based on the gradient:
0089     % check availability.
0090     if ~canGetGradient(problem) && ~canGetApproxGradient(problem)
0091         warning('manopt:approxhessianFD:nogradient', ...
0092                 'approxhessianFD requires the gradient to be computable.');
0093     end
0095     % Set local defaults here, and merge with user options, if any.
0096     localdefaults.stepsize = 2^-14;
0097     if ~exist('options', 'var') || isempty(options)
0098         options = struct();
0099     end
0100     options = mergeOptions(localdefaults, options);
0102     % Finite-difference parameter: how far do we look?
0103     stepsize = options.stepsize;
0105     % Build and return the function handle here. This extra construct via
0106     % funhandle makes it possible to make storedb and key optional.
0107     hessfun = @funhandle;
0108     function hessfd = funhandle(x, xdot, storedb, key)
0109         % Allow omission of the key, and even of storedb.
0110         if ~exist('key', 'var')
0111             if ~exist('storedb', 'var')
0112                 storedb = StoreDB();
0113             end
0114             key = storedb.getNewKey();
0115         end 
0116         hessfd = hessianFD(stepsize, problem, x, xdot, storedb, key);
0117     end
0119 end
0122 function hessfd = hessianFD(stepsize, problem, x, xdot, storedb, key)
0123 % This function does the actual work.
0124 %
0125 % Original code: Dec. 30, 2012 (NB).
0127     % Extract the input vector norm.
0128     norm_xdot = problem.M.norm(x, xdot);
0130     % First, check whether the step xdot is not too small.
0131     if norm_xdot < eps
0132         hessfd = problem.M.zerovec(x);
0133         return;
0134     end
0136     % Determine how far to retract xdot, so that the point reached does not
0137     % depend on the norm of xdot. This is what ensures radial linearity of
0138     % this present Hessian approximation.
0139     c = stepsize / norm_xdot;
0141     % Compute the gradient at the current point.
0142     grad = getGradient(problem, x, storedb, key);
0144     % Compute a point a little further along xdot, and the gradient there.
0145     % Since this is a new point, we need a new key for it, for storedb.
0146     x1 = problem.M.retr(x, xdot, c);
0147     key1 = storedb.getNewKey();
0148     grad1 = getGradient(problem, x1, storedb, key1);
0150     % Remove any caching associated to that new point, since there is no
0151     % reason we would be visiting it again.
0152     storedb.remove(key1);
0154     % Transport grad1 back from x1 to x.
0155     grad1 = problem.M.transp(x1, x, grad1);
0157     % Return the finite difference of them: (grad1 - grad)/c.
0158     hessfd = problem.M.lincomb(x, 1/c, grad1, -1/c, grad);
0160 end

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