< Master index Index for manopt\manifolds\ttfixedrank\TTeMPS_1.1\@TTeMPS_op_laplace >

Index for manopt\manifolds\ttfixedrank\TTeMPS_1.1\@TTeMPS_op_laplace

Matlab files in this directory:

 TTeMPS_op_laplace_to_TT_matrixTTeMPS_to_TT Convert to TT Toolbox matrix format.
 TTeMPS_op_laplace_to_TTeMPS_opTTeMPS_op_laplace_to_TTeMPS Convert to TT_op_laplace to TTeMPS_op format.
 applyAPPLY Application of TT/MPS Laplace-like operator to a TT/MPS tensor
 constr_precondTTeMPS Toolbox.
 constr_precond_innerTTeMPS Toolbox.
 contractCONTRACT Contraction of two TT/MPS tensors with inner TT/MPS Laplace operator.
 dispDISP Display TT/MPS operator.
 displayDISP Display TT/MPS tensor as a tensor network
 mtimesMINUS Multiplication of TT/MPS Laplace operator by scalar.

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