< Master index Index for manopt\autodiff\basic_examples_AD >

Index for manopt\autodiff\basic_examples_AD

Matlab files in this directory:

 basic_example_ADA basic example that shows how to apply automatic differentiation to
 complex_example_ADA basic example that shows how to define the cost funtion for
 complextest_AD1Test AD for a complex optimization problem on a product manifold (struct)
 complextest_AD2Test AD for a complex optimization problem on a power manifold (cell)
 complextest_AD3Test AD for a complex optimization problem on a manifold which is stored
 realtest_AD1Test AD for a real optimization problem on a product manifold (struct)
 realtest_AD2Test AD for a real optimization problem on a power manifold (cell)
 realtest_AD3Test AD for a real optimization problem on a manifold which is stored in
 using_gpu_ADManopt example on how to use GPU to compute the egrad and the ehess via AD.

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