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Create a structure for statsfunhelper to record counters in manopt


function S = statscounters(names)


 Create a structure for statsfunhelper to record counters in manopt
 function S = statscounters(name)
 function S = statscounters(names)

 The input can either be one string containing a chosen name for a
 counter, or a cell containing multiple strings designating multiple
 counters. The names must be valid field names for Matlab structures.

 The output is a structure S. For each input string, S contains a field
 with that name. That field contains a function handle. Calling that
 function with appropriate inputs (problem, x, stats, store) returns the
 value of the counter saved in store and whose name is the field name.

 This manopt tool is meant to be used in conjunction with incrementcounter
 and with statsfunhelper. In the examples folder of the toolbox, the
 example named using_counters demonstrates how to use this feature.

 See also: statscounter statsfunhelper using_counters


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function S = statscounters(names)
0002 % Create a structure for statsfunhelper to record counters in manopt
0003 %
0004 % function S = statscounters(name)
0005 % function S = statscounters(names)
0006 %
0007 % The input can either be one string containing a chosen name for a
0008 % counter, or a cell containing multiple strings designating multiple
0009 % counters. The names must be valid field names for Matlab structures.
0010 %
0011 % The output is a structure S. For each input string, S contains a field
0012 % with that name. That field contains a function handle. Calling that
0013 % function with appropriate inputs (problem, x, stats, store) returns the
0014 % value of the counter saved in store and whose name is the field name.
0015 %
0016 % This manopt tool is meant to be used in conjunction with incrementcounter
0017 % and with statsfunhelper. In the examples folder of the toolbox, the
0018 % example named using_counters demonstrates how to use this feature.
0019 %
0020 % See also: statscounter statsfunhelper using_counters
0022 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0023 % Original author: Nicolas Boumal, July 27, 2018.
0024 % Contributors:
0025 % Change log:
0027     % If we receive only one string as input, place it in a cell so that
0028     % the rest of this function's code works the same in both cases.
0029     if ischar(names)
0030         names = {names};
0031     end
0033     assert(iscell(names), ['names must be either one string, or a ' ...
0034                            'cell of strings. Each string must be a ' ...
0035                            'valid field name for structures.']);
0037     for k = 1 : numel(names)
0039         name = names{k};
0041         assert(isvarname(name) || iskeyword(name), ...
0042                'Each input string must be a valid structure field name.');
0044         S.(name) = @(problem, x, stats, store) ...
0045                            getcountervalue(problem, x, stats, store, name);
0047     end
0049 end
0051 function val = getcountervalue(problem, x, stats, store, name) %#ok<INUSL>
0052     if isfield(store.shared, name)
0053         val = store.shared.(name);
0054     else
0055         val = 0;
0056     end
0057 end

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