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Multiplies the 2D slices in a 3D matrix by individual scalars.


function A = multiscale(scale, A)


 Multiplies the 2D slices in a 3D matrix by individual scalars.

 function A = multiscale(scale, A)

 Given a vector scale of length N and a 3-D array A of size
 n-by-m-by-N, returns an array B of same size as A such that
 B(:, :, k) = scale(k) * A(:, :, k);

 See also: multiprod multitransp multitrace cmultiscale


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function A = multiscale(scale, A)
0002 % Multiplies the 2D slices in a 3D matrix by individual scalars.
0003 %
0004 % function A = multiscale(scale, A)
0005 %
0006 % Given a vector scale of length N and a 3-D array A of size
0007 % n-by-m-by-N, returns an array B of same size as A such that
0008 % B(:, :, k) = scale(k) * A(:, :, k);
0009 %
0010 % See also: multiprod multitransp multitrace cmultiscale
0012 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0013 % Original author: Nicolas Boumal, Dec. 30, 2012.
0014 % Contributors:
0015 % Change log:
0016 %   Aug. 29, 2021 (NB):
0017 %       Corrected bug that occurred for complex 'scale' vector.
0018 %   Sep.  5, 2021 (NB):
0019 %       Using .* rather than bxsfun as a preferred way: this is faster.
0020 %       Kept the bsxfun code in a try/catch in case this causes trouble
0021 %       with older versions of Matlab (unsure whether it would).
0023     assert(ndims(A) <= 3, ...
0024            ['multiscale is only defined for arrays of 3 or fewer ' ...
0025             'dimensions.']);
0027     [n, m, N] = size(A);
0029     assert(numel(scale) == N, ...
0030            ['scale must be a vector whose length equals the third ' ...
0031             'dimension of A, that is, the number of 2D matrix slices ' ...
0032             'in the 3D array A.']);
0034     try
0035         A = A .* reshape(scale, [1, 1, N]);
0036     catch
0037         scale = scale(:);
0038         A = reshape(bsxfun(@times, reshape(A, n*m, N), scale.'), n, m, N);
0039     end
0041 end

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