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Gradient approx. fnctn handle based on finite differences of the cost.


function gradfun = approxgradientFD(problem, options)


 Gradient approx. fnctn handle based on finite differences of the cost.

 function gradfun = approxgradientFD(problem)
 function gradfun = approxgradientFD(problem, options)


 A Manopt problem structure (already containing the manifold and enough
 information to compute the cost) and an options structure (optional),
 containing one option:
    options.stepsize (positive double; default: 2^-23).
    options.subspacedim (positive integer; default: [], for M.dim()).

 If the cost cannot be computed on 'problem', a warning is issued.

 Returns a function handle, encapsulating a generic finite difference
 approximation of the gradient of the problem cost. The finite difference
 is based on M.dim()+1 computations of the cost.
 The returned gradfun has this calling pattern:
   function gradfd = gradfun(x)
   function gradfd = gradfun(x, storedb)
   function gradfd = gradfun(x, storedb, key)
 x is a point on the manifold problem.M, storedb is a StoreDB object,
 and key is the StoreDB key to point x.


 Typically, the user will set problem.M and other fields to define the
 cost (typically, problem.cost). Then, to use this generic purpose
 gradient approximation:

   problem.approxgrad = approxgradientFD(problem, options);

 See also: steepestdescent conjugategradient


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function gradfun = approxgradientFD(problem, options)
0002 % Gradient approx. fnctn handle based on finite differences of the cost.
0003 %
0004 % function gradfun = approxgradientFD(problem)
0005 % function gradfun = approxgradientFD(problem, options)
0006 %
0007 % Input:
0008 %
0009 % A Manopt problem structure (already containing the manifold and enough
0010 % information to compute the cost) and an options structure (optional),
0011 % containing one option:
0012 %    options.stepsize (positive double; default: 2^-23).
0013 %    options.subspacedim (positive integer; default: [], for M.dim()).
0014 %
0015 % If the cost cannot be computed on 'problem', a warning is issued.
0016 %
0017 % Output:
0018 %
0019 % Returns a function handle, encapsulating a generic finite difference
0020 % approximation of the gradient of the problem cost. The finite difference
0021 % is based on M.dim()+1 computations of the cost.
0022 %
0023 % The returned gradfun has this calling pattern:
0024 %
0025 %   function gradfd = gradfun(x)
0026 %   function gradfd = gradfun(x, storedb)
0027 %   function gradfd = gradfun(x, storedb, key)
0028 %
0029 % x is a point on the manifold problem.M, storedb is a StoreDB object,
0030 % and key is the StoreDB key to point x.
0031 %
0032 % Usage:
0033 %
0034 % Typically, the user will set problem.M and other fields to define the
0035 % cost (typically, problem.cost). Then, to use this generic purpose
0036 % gradient approximation:
0037 %
0038 %   problem.approxgrad = approxgradientFD(problem, options);
0039 %
0040 % See also: steepestdescent conjugategradient
0042 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0043 % Original author: Nicolas Boumal, Nov. 1, 2016.
0044 % Contributors:
0045 % Change log:
0047     % This gradient approximation is based on the cost:
0048     % check availability.
0049     if ~canGetCost(problem)
0050         warning('manopt:approxgradFD:nocost', ...
0051                 'approxgradFD requires the cost to be computable.');
0052     end
0054     % Set local defaults here, and merge with user options, if any.
0055     localdefaults.stepsize = 2^-23;
0056     localdefaults.subspacedim = [];
0057     if ~exist('options', 'var') || isempty(options)
0058         options = struct();
0059     end
0060     options = mergeOptions(localdefaults, options);
0062     % % Finite-difference parameters
0063     % How far do we look?
0064     stepsize = options.stepsize;
0065     % Approximate the projection of the gradient on a random subspace of
0066     % what dimension? If [], uses full tangent space.
0067     subspacedim = options.subspacedim;
0069     % Build and return the function handle here. This extra construct via
0070     % funhandle makes it possible to make storedb and key optional.
0071     gradfun = @funhandle;
0072     function gradfd = funhandle(x, storedb, key)
0073         % Allow omission of the key, and even of storedb.
0074         if ~exist('key', 'var')
0075             if ~exist('storedb', 'var')
0076                 storedb = StoreDB();
0077             end
0078             key = storedb.getNewKey();
0079         end
0080         gradfd = gradientFD(stepsize, subspacedim, problem, x, storedb, key);
0081     end
0083 end
0086 function gradfd = gradientFD(stepsize, subspacedim, problem, x, storedb, key)
0087 % This function does the actual work.
0088 %
0089 % Original code: Nov. 1, 2016 (NB).
0091     % Evaluate the cost at the root point
0092     fx = getCost(problem, x, storedb, key);
0094     % Pick an orthonormal basis for the tangent space at x, or a subspace
0095     % thereof. The default is a full subspace. If a strict subspace is
0096     % picked, the returned vector approximates the orthogonal projection of
0097     % the gradient to that subspace.
0098     B = tangentorthobasis(problem.M, x, subspacedim);
0100     % Use finite differences to approximate the directional derivative
0101     % along each direction in the basis B.
0102     df = zeros(size(B));
0103     for k = 1 : numel(B)
0104         % Move in the B{k} direction
0105         xk = problem.M.retr(x, B{k}, stepsize);
0106         keyk = storedb.getNewKey();
0107         % Evaluate the cost there
0108         fxk = getCost(problem, xk, storedb, keyk);
0109         % Don't keep this point in cache
0110         storedb.remove(keyk);
0111         % Finite difference
0112         df(k) = (fxk - fx)/stepsize;
0113     end
0115     % Build the gradient approximation.
0116     gradfd = lincomb(problem.M, x, B, df);
0118 end

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