Home > manopt > manifolds > stiefel > stiefelgeneralizedfactory.m



Returns a manifold structure of "scaled" orthonormal matrices.


function M = stiefelgeneralizedfactory(n, p, B)


 Returns a manifold structure of "scaled" orthonormal matrices.

 function M = stiefelgeneralizedfactory(n, p)
 function M = stiefelgeneralizedfactory(n, p, B)

 The generalized Stiefel manifold is the set of "scaled" orthonormal 
 nxp matrices X such that X'*B*X is identity. B must be positive definite.
 If B is identity, then this is the standard Stiefel manifold.

 The generalized Stiefel manifold is endowed with a scaled metric
 by making it a Riemannian submanifold of the Euclidean space,
 again endowed with the scaled inner product.

 Some notions (not all) are from Section 4.5 of the paper
 "The geometry of algorithms with orthogonality constraints",
 A. Edelman, T. A. Arias, S. T. Smith, SIMAX, 1998.

 Paper link: http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/9806030.

 Note: egrad2rgrad and ehess2rhess involve solving linear systems in B. If
 this is a bottleneck for a specific application, then a way forward is to
 create a modified version of this file which preprocesses B to speed this
 up (typically, by computing a Cholesky factorization of it, then calling
 an appropriate solver; or by exploiting sparsity.)

 See also: stiefelfactory  grassmannfactory  grassmanngeneralizedfactory


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function M = stiefelgeneralizedfactory(n, p, B)
0002 % Returns a manifold structure of "scaled" orthonormal matrices.
0003 %
0004 % function M = stiefelgeneralizedfactory(n, p)
0005 % function M = stiefelgeneralizedfactory(n, p, B)
0006 %
0007 % The generalized Stiefel manifold is the set of "scaled" orthonormal
0008 % nxp matrices X such that X'*B*X is identity. B must be positive definite.
0009 % If B is identity, then this is the standard Stiefel manifold.
0010 %
0011 % The generalized Stiefel manifold is endowed with a scaled metric
0012 % by making it a Riemannian submanifold of the Euclidean space,
0013 % again endowed with the scaled inner product.
0014 %
0015 % Some notions (not all) are from Section 4.5 of the paper
0016 % "The geometry of algorithms with orthogonality constraints",
0017 % A. Edelman, T. A. Arias, S. T. Smith, SIMAX, 1998.
0018 %
0019 % Paper link: http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/9806030.
0020 %
0021 % Note: egrad2rgrad and ehess2rhess involve solving linear systems in B. If
0022 % this is a bottleneck for a specific application, then a way forward is to
0023 % create a modified version of this file which preprocesses B to speed this
0024 % up (typically, by computing a Cholesky factorization of it, then calling
0025 % an appropriate solver; or by exploiting sparsity.)
0026 %
0027 % See also: stiefelfactory  grassmannfactory  grassmanngeneralizedfactory
0029 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0030 % Original author: Bamdev Mishra, June 30, 2015.
0031 % Contributors: Hiroyuki Sato and Kensuke Aihara, Dec. 27, 2018.
0032 %
0033 % Change log:
0034 %
0035 %    Sep.  6, 2018 (NB):
0036 %        Removed M.exp() as it was not implemented.
0037 %
0038 %    Dec. 27, 2018 (NB):
0039 %        Added retraction M.retr_qr (based on QR factorization) as an
0040 %        alternative to the previous retraction, which is now accessible as
0041 %        M.retr_polar. The new retraction should be more efficient: it is
0042 %        now the default, as M.retr = M.retr_qr. This new retraction is a
0043 %        contribution of H. Sato and K. Aihara, as per their paper:
0044 %        'Cholesky QR-based retraction on the generalized Stiefel manifold'
0045 %        https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10589-018-0046-7
0048     if ~exist('B', 'var') || isempty(B)
0049         B = speye(n); % Standard Stiefel manifold.
0050     end
0052     M.name = @() sprintf('Generalized Stiefel manifold St(%d, %d)', n, p);
0054     M.dim = @() (n*p - .5*p*(p+1));
0056     M.inner = @(X, eta, zeta) trace(eta'*(B*zeta)); % Scaled metric.
0058     M.norm = @(X, eta) sqrt(M.inner(X, eta, eta));
0060     M.dist = @(X, Y) error('stiefelgeneralizedfactory.dist not implemented yet.');
0062     M.typicaldist = @() sqrt(p);
0064     % Orthogonal projection of an ambient vector U to the tangent space
0065     % at X.
0066     M.proj = @projection;
0067     function Up = projection(X, U)
0068         BX = B*X;
0070         % Projection onto the tangent space
0071         Up = U - X*symm(BX'*U);  
0072     end
0074     M.tangent = M.proj;
0076     M.egrad2rgrad = @egrad2rgrad;
0077     function rgrad = egrad2rgrad(X, egrad)
0079         % First, scale egrad according the to the scaled metric in the
0080         % Euclidean space. Ideally, B should be preprocessed to ease
0081         % solving linear systems, e.g., via Cholesky factorization.
0082         egrad_scaled = B\egrad;
0084         % Second, project onto the tangent space.
0085         % rgrad = egrad_scaled - X*symm((B*X)'*egrad_scaled);
0086         %
0087         % Verify that symm(BX'*egrad_scaled) = symm(X'*egrad).
0089         rgrad = egrad_scaled - X*symm(X'*egrad);
0090     end
0094     M.ehess2rhess = @ehess2rhess;
0095     function rhess = ehess2rhess(X, egrad, ehess, H)
0096         egraddot = ehess;
0097         Xdot = H;
0099         % Directional derivative of the Riemannian gradient.
0100         egrad_scaleddot = B\egraddot;
0101         rgraddot = egrad_scaleddot - Xdot*symm(X'*egrad) ...
0102                                    - X*symm(Xdot'*egrad) ...
0103                                    - X*symm(X'*egraddot);
0105         % Project onto the tangent space.
0106         rhess = M.proj(X, rgraddot);
0107     end
0110     M.retr_polar = @retraction_polar;
0111     function Y = retraction_polar(X, U, t)
0112         if nargin < 3
0113             t = 1.0;
0114         end
0115         Y = guf(X + t*U); % Ensures Y'*B*Y is identity.
0116     end
0118     M.retr_qr = @retraction_qr;
0119     function Y = retraction_qr(X, U, t)
0120         if nargin < 3
0121             t = 1.0;
0122         end
0123         Y = gqf(X + t*U); % Ensures Y'*B*Y is identity.
0124     end
0126     % By default, we use the QR retraction
0127     M.retr = M.retr_qr;
0129     M.hash = @(X) ['z' hashmd5(X(:))];
0131     M.rand = @random;
0132     function X = random()
0133         X = guf(randn(n, p)); % Ensures X'*B*X is identity;
0134         % TODO: test if this can be replaced by gqf.
0135     end
0137     M.randvec = @randomvec;
0138     function U = randomvec(X)
0139         U = projection(X, randn(n, p));
0140         U = U / norm(U(:));
0141     end
0143     M.lincomb = @matrixlincomb;
0145     M.zerovec = @(X) zeros(n, p);
0147     % This transport is compatible with the generalized polar retraction.
0148     M.transp = @(X1, X2, d) projection(X2, d);
0150     M.vec = @(X, u_mat) u_mat(:);
0151     M.mat = @(X, u_vec) reshape(u_vec, [n, p]);
0152     M.vecmatareisometries = @() false;
0154     % Some auxiliary functions
0155     symm = @(D) (D + D')/2;
0158     function X = gqf(Y)
0159         % Generalized QR decomposition of an n-by-p matrix Y.
0160         % X'*B*X is identity. See Sato and Aihara 2018,
0161         % Cholesky QR-based retraction on the generalized Stiefel manifold,
0162         % https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10589-018-0046-7
0163         %
0164         % Comment by Nicolas Boumal, Dec. 27, 2018, following discussions
0165         % with Hiroyuki Sato, Kensuke Aihara and Bamdev Mishra:
0166         %
0167         % In principle, to orthonormalize the columns of Y against the
0168         % inner product defined by B, it would be better to implement (for
0169         % example) a modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm, possibly run twice.
0170         % Indeed, the latter would be affected by the condition number of
0171         % sqrtm(B)*Y. In contrast, the method below first squares the data,
0172         % hence is affected by the condition number of Y'*B*Y, which is the
0173         % square of that of sqrtm(B)*Y. Fortunately, it is easily shown
0174         % that, when Y = X + U for a tangent vector U at X, the condition
0175         % number of sqrtm(B)*Y is upper bounded by the square root of
0176         % 1 + ||U||_X^2. In Riemannian optimization, it is seldom necessary
0177         % to retract very large vectors, hence it is expected that the
0178         % condition numbers encountered in practice will be reasonable. As
0179         % a result, the implementation below which calls directly upon
0180         % low-level routines (Cholesky and a small triangular system solve)
0181         % is expected to run faster in practice than a home-made
0182         % implementation of modified Gram-Schmidt, which would involve a
0183         % loop, and still be sufficiently accurate.
0184         R = chol(symm(Y'*(B*Y)));
0185         X = Y / R;
0186     end
0188     function X = guf(Y)
0189         % Generalized polar decomposition of an n-by-p matrix Y.
0190         % X'*B*X is identity.
0192         % Method 1
0193         [u, ~, v] = svd(Y, 0);
0195         % Instead of the following three steps, an equivalent, but an
0196         % expensive way is to do X = u*(sqrtm(u'*(B*u))\(v')).
0197         [q, ssquare] = eig(u'*(B*u));
0198         qsinv = q/sparse(diag(sqrt(diag(ssquare))));
0199         X = u*((qsinv*q')*v'); % X'*B*X is identity.
0202         % Another computation using restricted_svd
0203         % [u, ~, v] = restricted_svd(Y);
0204         % X = u*v'; % X'*B*X is identity.
0206     end
0208     function [u, s, v] = restricted_svd(Y) %#ok<DEFNU>
0209         % We compute a thin svd-like decomposition of an n-by-p matrix Y
0210         % into matrices u, s, and v such that u is an n-by-p matrix
0211         % with u'*B*u being identity, s is a p-by-p diagonal matrix
0212         % with positive entries, and v is a p-by-p orthogonal matrix.
0213         % Y = u*s*v'.
0214         [v, ssquare] = eig(symm(Y'*(B*Y))); % Y*B*Y is positive definite
0215         ssquarevec = diag(ssquare);
0217         s = sparse(diag(abs(sqrt(ssquarevec))));
0218         u = Y*(v/s); % u'*B*u is identity.
0219     end
0221 end

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