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Returns a manifold struct defining complex matrices w/ unit-norm columns.


function M = obliquecomplexfactory(n, m, transposed)


 Returns a manifold struct defining complex matrices w/ unit-norm columns.

 function M = obliquecomplexfactory(n, m)
 function M = obliquecomplexfactory(n, m, transposed)

 Oblique manifold: deals with complex matrices of size n x m such that
 each column has unit 2-norm, i.e., is a point on the unit sphere in C^n.
 The geometry is a product geometry of m unit spheres in C^n. For the
 metric, C^n is treated as R^(2n), so that the real part and imaginary
 parts are treated separately as 2n real coordinates. As such, the complex
 oblique manifold is a Riemannian submanifold of (R^2)^(n x m), with the
 usual metric <u, v> = real(u'*v).

 If transposed is set to true (it is false by default), then the matrices
 are transposed: a point Y on the manifold is a matrix of size m x n and
 each row has unit 2-norm. It is the same geometry, just a different

 In transposed form, a point Y is such that Y*Y' is a Hermitian, positive
 semidefinite matrix of size m and of rank at most n, such that all the
 diagonal entries are equal to 1.

 Note: obliquecomplexfactory(1, n, true) is equivalent to (but potentially
 slower than) complexcirclefactory(n).

 See also: spherecomplexfactory complexcirclefactory obliquefactory


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function M = obliquecomplexfactory(n, m, transposed)
0002 % Returns a manifold struct defining complex matrices w/ unit-norm columns.
0003 %
0004 % function M = obliquecomplexfactory(n, m)
0005 % function M = obliquecomplexfactory(n, m, transposed)
0006 %
0007 % Oblique manifold: deals with complex matrices of size n x m such that
0008 % each column has unit 2-norm, i.e., is a point on the unit sphere in C^n.
0009 % The geometry is a product geometry of m unit spheres in C^n. For the
0010 % metric, C^n is treated as R^(2n), so that the real part and imaginary
0011 % parts are treated separately as 2n real coordinates. As such, the complex
0012 % oblique manifold is a Riemannian submanifold of (R^2)^(n x m), with the
0013 % usual metric <u, v> = real(u'*v).
0014 %
0015 % If transposed is set to true (it is false by default), then the matrices
0016 % are transposed: a point Y on the manifold is a matrix of size m x n and
0017 % each row has unit 2-norm. It is the same geometry, just a different
0018 % representation.
0019 %
0020 % In transposed form, a point Y is such that Y*Y' is a Hermitian, positive
0021 % semidefinite matrix of size m and of rank at most n, such that all the
0022 % diagonal entries are equal to 1.
0023 %
0024 % Note: obliquecomplexfactory(1, n, true) is equivalent to (but potentially
0025 % slower than) complexcirclefactory(n).
0026 %
0027 % See also: spherecomplexfactory complexcirclefactory obliquefactory
0029 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0030 % Original author: Nicolas Boumal, Sep. 3, 2014.
0031 % Contributors:
0032 % Change log:
0033 %
0034 %   Oct. 21, 2016 (NB)
0035 %       Formatted for inclusion in Manopt release.
0036 %
0037 %   July 20, 2017 (NB)
0038 %       Distance function is now accurate for close-by points. See notes
0039 %       inside the spherefactory file for details. Also improves distances
0040 %       computation as part of the log function.
0043     if ~exist('transposed', 'var') || isempty(transposed)
0044         transposed = false;
0045     end
0047     if transposed
0048         trnsp = @(X) X.';
0049     else
0050         trnsp = @(X) X;
0051     end
0053     M.name = @() sprintf('Complex oblique manifold COB(%d, %d)', n, m);
0055     M.dim = @() (2*n-1)*m;
0057     M.inner = @(x, d1, d2) real(d1(:)'*d2(:));
0059     M.norm = @(x, d) norm(d(:));
0061     M.dist = @(x, y) norm(real(2*asin(.5*sqrt(sum(trnsp(abs(x - y).^2), 1)))));
0063     M.typicaldist = @() pi*sqrt(m);
0065     M.proj = @(X, U) trnsp(projection(trnsp(X), trnsp(U)));
0067     M.tangent = M.proj;
0069     % For Riemannian submanifolds, converting a Euclidean gradient into a
0070     % Riemannian gradient amounts to an orthogonal projection.
0071     M.egrad2rgrad = M.proj;
0073     M.ehess2rhess = @ehess2rhess;
0074     function rhess = ehess2rhess(X, egrad, ehess, U)
0075         X = trnsp(X);
0076         egrad = trnsp(egrad);
0077         ehess = trnsp(ehess);
0078         U = trnsp(U);
0080         PXehess = projection(X, ehess);
0081         inners = sum(real(conj(X).*egrad), 1);
0082         rhess = PXehess - bsxfun(@times, U, inners);
0084         rhess = trnsp(rhess);
0085     end
0087     M.exp = @exponential;
0088     % Exponential on the complex oblique manifold
0089     function y = exponential(x, d, t)
0090         x = trnsp(x);
0091         d = trnsp(d);
0093         if nargin == 2
0094             % t = 1;
0095             td = d;
0096         else
0097             td = t*d;
0098         end
0100         nrm_td = sqrt(sum(real(td).^2 + imag(td).^2, 1));
0102         y = bsxfun(@times, x, cos(nrm_td)) + ...
0103             bsxfun(@times, td, sinxoverx(nrm_td));
0105         y = trnsp(y);
0106     end
0108     M.log = @logarithm;
0109     function v = logarithm(x1, x2)
0110         x1 = trnsp(x1);
0111         x2 = trnsp(x2);
0113         v = projection(x1, x2 - x1);
0114         dists = real(2*asin(.5*sqrt(sum(trnsp(abs(x - y).^2), 1))));
0115         norms = sqrt(sum(real(v).^2 + imag(v).^2, 1));
0116         factors = dists./norms;
0117         % For very close points, dists is almost equal to norms, but
0118         % because they are both almost zero, the division above can return
0119         % NaN's. To avoid that, we force those ratios to 1.
0120         factors(dists <= 1e-10) = 1;
0121         v = bsxfun(@times, v, factors);
0123         v = trnsp(v);
0124     end
0126     M.retr = @retraction;
0127     % Retraction on the oblique manifold
0128     function y = retraction(x, d, t)
0129         x = trnsp(x);
0130         d = trnsp(d);
0132         if nargin < 3
0133             td = d;
0134         else
0135             td = t*d;
0136         end
0138         y = normalize_columns(x + td);
0140         y = trnsp(y);
0141     end
0143     M.hash = @(x) ['z' hashmd5([real(x(:)) ; imag(x(:))])];
0145     M.rand = @() trnsp(random(n, m));
0147     M.randvec = @(x) trnsp(randomvec(n, m, trnsp(x)));
0149     M.lincomb = @matrixlincomb;
0151     M.zerovec = @(x) trnsp(zeros(n, m));
0153     M.transp = @(x1, x2, d) M.proj(x2, d);
0155     M.pairmean = @pairmean;
0156     function y = pairmean(x1, x2)
0157         y = trnsp(x1+x2);
0158         y = normalize_columns(y);
0159         y = trnsp(y);
0160     end
0162     % vec returns a vector representation of an input tangent vector which
0163     % is represented as a matrix. mat returns the original matrix
0164     % representation of the input vector representation of a tangent
0165     % vector. vec and mat are thus inverse of each other. They are
0166     % furthermore isometries between a subspace of R^2nm and the tangent
0167     % space at x.
0168     vect = @(X) X(:);
0169     M.vec = @(x, u_mat) [vect(real(trnsp(u_mat))) ; ...
0170                          vect(imag(trnsp(u_mat)))];
0171     M.mat = @(x, u_vec)    trnsp(reshape(u_vec(1:(n*m)),     [n, m])) + ...
0172                         1i*trnsp(reshape(u_vec((n*m+1):end), [n, m]));
0173     M.vecmatareisometries = @() true;
0175 end
0177 % Given a matrix X, returns the same matrix but with each column scaled so
0178 % that they have unit 2-norm.
0179 function X = normalize_columns(X)
0180     norms = sqrt(sum(real(X).^2 + imag(X).^2, 1));
0181     X = bsxfun(@times, X, 1./norms);
0182 end
0184 % Orthogonal projection of the ambient vector H onto the tangent space at X
0185 function PXH = projection(X, H)
0187     % Compute the inner product between each vector H(:, i) with its root
0188     % point X(:, i), that is, real(X(:, i)' * H(:, i)).
0189     % Returns a row vector.
0190     inners = real(sum(conj(X).*H, 1));
0192     % Subtract from H the components of the H(:, i)'s that are parallel to
0193     % the root points X(:, i).
0194     PXH = H - bsxfun(@times, X, inners);
0196 end
0198 % Uniform random sampling on the sphere.
0199 function x = random(n, m)
0201     x = normalize_columns(randn(n, m) + 1i*randn(n, m));
0203 end
0205 % Random normalized tangent vector at x.
0206 function d = randomvec(n, m, x)
0208     d = randn(n, m) + 1i*randn(n, m);
0209     d = projection(x, d);
0210     d = d / norm(d(:));
0212 end

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