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ShapeFit formulation for sensor network localization from pair directions


function [T_hub, T_lsq, T_cvx] = shapefit_smoothed(V, J)


 ShapeFit formulation for sensor network localization from pair directions

 function [T_hub, T_lsq, T_cvx] = shapefit_smoothed(V, J)

 This example in based on the paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01437:
 ShapeFit: Exact location recovery from corrupted pairwise directions, 2015
 by Paul Hand, Choongbum Lee and Vladislav Voroninski.

 The problem is the following: there are n points t_1, ..., t_n in R^d
 which need to be estimated (localized). To this end, we are given
 measurements of some of the pairwise directions,
 v_ij = (t_i - t_j) / norm(t_i - t_j) + noise.
 Assume there are m such pairwise measurements, defining a graph with m
 edges over n nodes. J is the signed incidence matrix of this graph (see
 in code). To build J from lists I, J in R^m of nodes, use:
 J = sparse([I ; J], [(1:m)' ; (1:m)'], [ones(m, 1), -ones(m, 1)], n, m, 2*m);

 The measurements are arranged in the matrix V of size d x m. From V, we
 attempt to estimate t_1, ..., t_n, arranged in T, a matrix of size d x n.
 The estimation can only be done up to translation and scaling. The
 returned T's are centered: the columns sum to zero.

 ShapeFit is a formulation of this estimation problem which is robust to
 outliers. It is a nonsmooth, convex optimization problem over an affine
 space, i.e., a linear manifold. We smooth the cost using the pseudo-Huber
 loss cost and solve the problem using Manopt. This requires two
 ingredients: (1) a factory to describe the affine space, see
 shapefitfactory; (2) defining the cost and its derivative, and minimizing
 it while progressively tightening the smooth approximation (with

 Simply run the example to see the results on random data. It compares the
 smoothed ShapeFit formulation against a least-squares formulation, when
 the measurements include outliers. See in code to vary the noise
 parameters, dimension d, number of nodes n, number of measurements m, ...

 Note: since the problem is convex, this returns the global optimum.
 This example also illustrates the use of Manopt for optimization under
 linear constraints: admittedly a simple subcase of optimization on

 See also: shapefitfactory


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [T_hub, T_lsq, T_cvx] = shapefit_smoothed(V, J)
0002 % ShapeFit formulation for sensor network localization from pair directions
0003 %
0004 % function [T_hub, T_lsq, T_cvx] = shapefit_smoothed(V, J)
0005 %
0006 % This example in based on the paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01437:
0007 % ShapeFit: Exact location recovery from corrupted pairwise directions, 2015
0008 % by Paul Hand, Choongbum Lee and Vladislav Voroninski.
0009 %
0010 % The problem is the following: there are n points t_1, ..., t_n in R^d
0011 % which need to be estimated (localized). To this end, we are given
0012 % measurements of some of the pairwise directions,
0013 % v_ij = (t_i - t_j) / norm(t_i - t_j) + noise.
0014 % Assume there are m such pairwise measurements, defining a graph with m
0015 % edges over n nodes. J is the signed incidence matrix of this graph (see
0016 % in code). To build J from lists I, J in R^m of nodes, use:
0017 % J = sparse([I ; J], [(1:m)' ; (1:m)'], [ones(m, 1), -ones(m, 1)], n, m, 2*m);
0018 %
0019 % The measurements are arranged in the matrix V of size d x m. From V, we
0020 % attempt to estimate t_1, ..., t_n, arranged in T, a matrix of size d x n.
0021 % The estimation can only be done up to translation and scaling. The
0022 % returned T's are centered: the columns sum to zero.
0023 %
0024 % ShapeFit is a formulation of this estimation problem which is robust to
0025 % outliers. It is a nonsmooth, convex optimization problem over an affine
0026 % space, i.e., a linear manifold. We smooth the cost using the pseudo-Huber
0027 % loss cost and solve the problem using Manopt. This requires two
0028 % ingredients: (1) a factory to describe the affine space, see
0029 % shapefitfactory; (2) defining the cost and its derivative, and minimizing
0030 % it while progressively tightening the smooth approximation (with
0031 % warm-start).
0032 %
0033 % Simply run the example to see the results on random data. It compares the
0034 % smoothed ShapeFit formulation against a least-squares formulation, when
0035 % the measurements include outliers. See in code to vary the noise
0036 % parameters, dimension d, number of nodes n, number of measurements m, ...
0037 %
0038 % Note: since the problem is convex, this returns the global optimum.
0039 % This example also illustrates the use of Manopt for optimization under
0040 % linear constraints: admittedly a simple subcase of optimization on
0041 % manifolds.
0042 %
0043 %
0044 % See also: shapefitfactory
0046 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0047 % Original author: Nicolas Boumal, June 18, 2015.
0048 % Contributors:
0049 % Change log:
0050 %
0051 %   Jan.  4, 2021 (NB):
0052 %       Changes for compatibility with Octave 6.1.0.
0053 %
0054 %   Aug. 23, 2021 (XJ):
0055 %       Added AD to compute the egrad and the ehess
0057     % Generic useful functions
0058     center_cols = @(A) bsxfun(@minus, A, mean(A, 2));
0059     normalize_cols = @(A) bsxfun(@times, A, 1./sqrt(sum(A.^2, 1)));
0060     sqnorm_cols = @(A) sum(A.^2, 1);
0064     %
0065     % If no inputs are specified, generate some random data for
0066     % illustration purposes.
0067     if nargin == 0
0069         % We estimate n points in R^d
0070         d =   2;
0071         n = 500;
0073         % Those points are the columns of T : they are what we need to
0074         % estimate, up to scaling and translation. We center T for
0075         % convenience.
0076         T_tru = center_cols(rand(d, n));
0078         % We get a measurement of some pairs of relative directions.
0079         % Which pairs is encoded in this graph, with J being the (signed,
0080         % transposed) incidence matrix. J is n x m, sparse.
0081         % There are roughly edge_fraction * n * (n-1) / 2 measurements.
0082         edge_fraction = 0.10;
0083         % [ii, jj] = erdosrenyi(n, edge_fraction);
0084         [ii, jj] = randomgraph(n, edge_fraction*nchoosek(n, 2));
0085         m = length(ii);
0086         J = sparse([ii ; jj], [(1:m)' ; (1:m)'], ...
0087                    [ones(m, 1), -ones(m, 1)], n, m, 2*m);
0089         % The measurements give the directions from one point to another.
0090         % That is: we get the position difference, normalized. Here, with
0091         % Gaussian noise. Least-squares will be well-suited for this.
0092         sigma = .0;
0093         V = normalize_cols(T_tru*J + sigma*randn(d, m)); % d x m
0095         % Outliers: we replace some of the direction measurements by
0096         % uniformly random unit-norm vectors.
0097         outlier_fraction = .3;
0098         outliers = rand(1, m) < outlier_fraction;
0099         V(:, outliers) = normalize_cols(randn(d, sum(outliers)));
0101     end % done generating random data
0107     [d, m] = size(V);
0108     n = size(J, 1);
0109     assert(size(J, 2) == m, 'J must be n x m, with V of size d x m.');
0111     VJt = full(V*J');
0113     % This "manifold" describes the Euclidean space of matrices T of size
0114     % d x n such that <VJt, T> = 1 and T has centered columns: T1 = 0.
0115     problem.M = shapefitfactory(VJt);
0117     % This linear operator computes the orthogonal projection of each
0118     % difference ti - tj on the orthogonal space to v_ij.
0119     % If the alignment is compatible with the data, then this is zero.
0120     % A(T) is a d x m matrix.
0121     A = @(T) Afun(T, V, J);
0122     function AT = Afun(T, V, J)
0123         TJ = T*J;
0124         AT = TJ - bsxfun(@times, V, sum(V .* TJ, 1));
0125     end
0127     % Need the adjoint of A, too. Input is d x m, output is d x n.
0128     Astar = @(W) (W - bsxfun(@times, V, sum(V.*W, 1)))*J';
0132     % LEAST-SQUARES
0133     %
0134     % First, work with a least-squares formulation of the problem.
0135     % That is, we minimize a (very nice) convex cost over an affine space.
0136     % Since the smooth solvers in Manopt converge to critical points, this
0137     % means they converge to global optimizers.
0138     problem.cost  = @(T) 0.5*norm(A(T), 'fro')^2;
0139     problem.egrad = @(T) Astar(A(T));
0140     problem.ehess = @(T, Tdot) Astar(A(Tdot));
0142     % An alternative way to compute the egrad and the ehess is to use
0143     % automatic differentiation provided in the deep learning toolbox (slower)
0144     % Notice that the function norm is not supported for AD so far.
0145     % Replace norm(...,'fro')^2 with cnormsqfro described in the file
0146     % manoptADhelp.m. Also operations between sparse matrices and dlarrys
0147     % is not supported so far. Transform V,J into full matrices. AD does
0148     % not support bsxfunc as well. Translate it into the expression of
0149     % repmat and .*. The whole thing would make the computation much slower
0150     % than specifying the egrad and the ehess.
0151     % V_full = full(V);
0152     % J_full = full(J);
0153     % problem.cost  = @(T) 0.5*cnormsqfro(A_AD(T));
0154     % function AT = A_AD(T)
0155     %    sum1 = sum(V_full .* (T*J_full), 1);
0156     %    repsum1 = repmat(sum1,size(sum1,1),1);
0157     %    AT = T*J_full - V_full.*repsum1;
0158     % end
0159     % call manoptAD to prepare AD for the problem structure
0160     % problem = manoptAD(problem);
0162     T_lsq = trustregions(problem);
0167     %
0168     % Now solve the same, but with a pseudo-Huber loss instead of
0169     % least-squares.
0170     % We iteratively sharpen the Huber function, i.e., reduce delta.
0171     % It is important to warm start in such a fashion: trying to optimize
0172     % with a random initial guess and a very small delta is typically slow.
0173     % How fast one should decrease delta, and how accurately one should
0174     % optimize at each intermediate stage, is open for research.
0175     delta = 1;
0176     T_hub = []; % We could use T_lsq as initial guess, too.
0177     problem = rmfield(problem, 'ehess');
0178     warning('off', 'manopt:getHessian:approx');
0179     for iter = 1 : 12
0181         delta = delta / 2;
0183         h = @(x2) sqrt(x2 + delta^2) - delta; % pseudo-Huber loss
0185         problem.cost  = @(T) sum(h(sqnorm_cols(A(T))));
0186         problem.egrad = @(T) Astar(bsxfun(@times, A(T), ...
0187                                     1./sqrt(sqnorm_cols(A(T)) + delta^2)));
0189         % AD version
0190         % problem = rmfield(problem, 'egrad');
0191         % problem = rmfield(problem, 'autogradfunc');
0192         % problem = manoptAD(problem,'egrad');
0194         % Solve, using the previous solution as initial guess.
0195         T_hub = trustregions(problem, T_hub);
0197     end
0201     % CVX SHAPEFIT
0202     %
0203     % Actual ShapeFit cost (nonsmooth), with CVX.
0204     % You can get CVX from http://cvxr.com/.
0205     use_cvx_if_available = false;
0206     if use_cvx_if_available && exist('cvx_version', 'file')
0207         T_cvx = shapefit_cvx(V, J);
0208     else
0209         T_cvx = NaN(d, n);
0210     end
0215     %
0216     % If T_true is available, for display, we scale the estimators to match
0217     % the norm of the target. The scaling factor is obtained by minimizing
0218     % the norm of the discrepancy : norm(T_tru - scale*T_xxx, 'fro').
0219     % A plot is produced if d is 2 or 3.
0220     if exist('T_tru', 'var') && (d == 2 || d == 3)
0222         T_lsq = T_lsq * trace(T_tru'*T_lsq) / norm(T_lsq, 'fro')^2;
0223         T_hub = T_hub * trace(T_tru'*T_hub) / norm(T_hub, 'fro')^2;
0224         T_cvx = T_cvx * trace(T_tru'*T_cvx) / norm(T_cvx, 'fro')^2;
0227         switch d
0228             case 2
0229                 plot(T_tru(1, :), T_tru(2, :), 'bo', ...
0230                      T_lsq(1, :), T_lsq(2, :), 'rx', ...
0231                      T_hub(1, :), T_hub(2, :), 'k.', ...
0232                      T_cvx(1, :), T_cvx(2, :), 'g.');
0233             case 3
0234                 plot3(T_tru(1, :), T_tru(2, :), T_tru(3, :), 'bo', ...
0235                       T_lsq(1, :), T_lsq(2, :), T_lsq(3, :), 'rx', ...
0236                       T_hub(1, :), T_hub(2, :), T_hub(3, :), 'k.', ...
0237                       T_cvx(1, :), T_cvx(2, :), T_cvx(3, :), 'g.');
0238         end
0240         legend('ground truth', 'least squares', ...
0241                sprintf('pseudo-huber, \\delta = %.1e', delta), ...
0242                'CVX ShapeFit');
0244         title(sprintf(['ShapeFit problem : d = %d, n = %d, edge ' ...
0245                        'fraction = %.2g, sigma = %.2g, outlier ' ...
0246                        'fraction = %.2g'], d, n, edge_fraction, sigma, ...
0247                        outlier_fraction));
0248         axis equal;
0250     end
0252 end
0255 % If CVX is available, it can be used to solve the nonsmooth problem
0256 % directly, very elegantly.
0257 function T_cvx = shapefit_cvx(V, J)
0258     d = size(V, 1);
0259     n = size(J, 1); %#ok<NASGU>
0260     VJt = full(V*J');
0261     cvx_begin
0262         variable T_cvx(d, n)
0263         % We want to minimize this:
0264         % minimize sum( norms( A(T_cvx), 2, 1 ) )
0265         % But unfortunately, CVX doesn't handle bsxfun. Instead, we use
0266         % repmat, which is slower, and hence hurts the comparison in
0267         % disfavor of CVX.
0268         minimize sum( norms( T_cvx*J - V .* repmat(sum(V .* (T_cvx*J), 1), [d, 1])  , 2, 1 ) )
0269         sum(T_cvx, 2) == zeros(d, 1); %#ok<NODEF,EQEFF>
0270         VJt(:).' * T_cvx(:) == 1; %#ok<EQEFF>
0271     cvx_end
0272 end
0275 function [I, J, A] = erdosrenyi(n, p) %#ok<DEFNU>
0276 % Generate a random Erdos-Renyi graph with n nodes and edge probability p.
0277 %
0278 % [I, J, A] = erdosrenyi(n, p)
0279 %
0280 % Returns a list of edges (I(k), J(k)) for a random, undirected Erdos-Renyi
0281 % graph with n nodes and edge probability p. A is the adjacency matrix.
0282 %
0283 % I(k) < J(k) for all k, i.e., all(I<J) is true.
0284 %
0285 % The memory requirements for this simple implementation scale as O(n^2).
0287     X = rand(n);
0288     mask = X <= p;
0289     X( mask) = 1;
0290     X(~mask) = 0;
0291     X = triu(X, 1);
0293     % A is the adjacency matrix
0294     A = X + X';
0296     [I, J] = find(X);
0298 end
0301 function [I, J, A] = randomgraph(n, m)
0302 % Generates a random graph over n nodes with at most m edges.
0303 %
0304 % function [I, J, A] = randomgraph(n, m)
0305 %
0306 % Selects m (undirected) edges from a graph over n nodes, uniformly at
0307 % random, with replacement. The self edges and repeated edges are then
0308 % discarded. The remaining number of edges is at most m, and should be
0309 % close to m if m is much smaller than nchoosek(n, 2).
0310 %
0311 % The output satisfies all(I < J). A is the corresponding adjacency matrix.
0312 %
0313 % Uses O(m) memory (not O(n^2)), making it fit for large, sparse graphs.
0315     % Generate m edges at random, with replacement, and remove repetitions.
0316     IJ = unique(sort(randi(n, m, 2), 2), 'rows');
0318     % Remove self-edges if any.
0319     IJ = IJ(IJ(:, 1) ~= IJ(:, 2), :);
0321     % Actual number of selected edges
0322     k = size(IJ, 1);
0324     I = IJ(:, 1);
0325     J = IJ(:, 2);
0327     % Build the adjacency matrix of the graph.
0328     A = sparse([I ; J], [J ; I], ones(2*k, 1), n, n, 2*k);
0330 end

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